George Orwell’s “double think” alive and well in Massachusetts

Will the sane people of Massachusetts rise up against this lunacy? Will people in other states suffering this insanity speak up?

America is a land dedicated to proposition that one’s merit and character should determine how far one goes in life, rather than one’s race, ethnicity, sex, or any other inherent characteristic that has no bearing on merit or character. However, for the past fifty years the Democratic party has been waging a relentless war against this proposition in its drive to have people judged specifically on their race, ethnicity, sex, etc. Democrats are unabashedly continuing the policy of notorious segregationist Bull Connor (who was a Democrat, by the way), who openly discriminated against people based on their race.

Democratic insanity on this issue can be seen in a recent story coming out of Massachusetts, that bastion of radical left-wing ideology (and a dying state based on census data). As The Herald News writes, a group of radical organizations, supported by Democratic lawmakers, just filed a federal civil rights complaint alleging that Massachusetts wrongly discriminates in its admissions policy regarding public vocational schools. How exactly have those schools been discriminating against people? As the paper writes: “by looking at criteria like grades, attendance and disciplinary records for students applying for admission.”

Democratic State Senator John Cronin stated:

“Our position is not radical. Public schools should no longer be able to use private schools’ admissions criteria to systemically discriminate and keep the most vulnerable eighth graders in our state out of our trade schools. So, let’s stop denying kids from disadvantaged backgrounds a pathway to the middle class.”

A better example of George Orwell’s concept of “double think” could hardly be found. A policy that specifically judges people on their merit—and not on their race, ethnicity, sex, etc.—is actually discriminatory. “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Why do Democrats believe that a policy that uses object criteria to judge people is actually “discriminatory?” Because not enough minorities are being admitted to public vocational schools when merit and character are the standards. As a result, Democrats do what they always do when a policy does not produce the results they want: they simply declare the policy “discriminatory” and anyone who supports it a “racist” and a “bigot.” They try to shame people into believing something that is not true. And for the past 50 years, they have been very successful in foisting a whole bunch of lies on the American people this way.

Will the sane people of Massachusetts rise up against this lunacy? Will people in other states suffering this insanity speak up?

“And the radical LGBT agenda must be defeated….”

Image: George Orwell

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