Last updated on November 4th, 2021 at 12:10 pm
Serbia’s Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, the very same one who showed her middle finger during the pre-election campaign, Gordana Čomić, announced that work on a draft law on same-sex partnership is underway, thus revealing to us that in the spring of 2021 a new round of attack on Serbian society will be in full bloom.
As before, under the umbrella of human rights, neatly wrapped up in a bow, the toxic ideology of the LGBT lobby is being enforced onto us. Although Minister Čomić herself has said that same-sex partnerships cannot be equated with marriage (because that would be anti-constitutional), it is more than clear that the passing of this law would take us deeper down the slippery slope towards the abyss where there is no difference between the natural and unnatural, moral and immoral, blessed and accursed.
At a first glance, it all sounds logical:
- the union of same-sex “partners” (see Joe Grabowski’s piece on the use of the word “partner”) should be recognized by law;
- same-sex “partners” should be entitled to the same rights and regulations when splitting property, if the union is dissolved;
- a same-sex “partner” should be allowed to inherit the person they live with, under the same terms as a spouse;
- a same-sex “partner” should have the right to inherit the other’s pension in the event of the “partner’s” demise;
- these persons should have the right to be protected from domestic violence;
- in the event of sickness, the other “partner” has to be informed about the “partner’s” health condition;
- a same-sex “partner” should have the right to participate in the decision-making when choosing the “partner’s” medical treatment;
- same-sex “partners” should be allowed visits in prison and, in the event of the “partner’s” death, they can collect their body and bury it.
However, the documents, written by activists of homosexual lobbies from around the world, including Serbia, clearly show what their ultimate goal is and what they are aiming for: the equation of the term marriage for both heterosexual and homosexual unions in the Constitution; and, consequently, the right for homosexuals to adopt children.
Therefore, we should have no doubt whatsoever that ideological colonizers – aggressive, well-financed and enjoying media support – will continue with their activities to achieve their goal, on which path Minister Čomić is but a mere operator.

… provided we let them do that.
It can only be hoped that Serbian society will remain resilient and opposed to such movements. As for Minister Comic: really, she hasn’t taken her blindfold off.
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