Qatari World Cup Ambassador defends country’s laws against homosexuality by Cato November 9, 2022 0 329 Pro-LGBT governments and non-governmental organizations have criticized FIFA for allowing Qatar to host the World Cup because of its opposition...
The Orthodox Church in America steadfastly affirms support for traditional marriage and sexuality by Cato September 14, 2022 0 1.2k In a modern Western world dominated by radical elites, the Orthodox Church once again demonstrates that it is the bastion...
Victory: Serbian President cancels Europride 22 in Belgrade after pro-family forces oppose it! by Cato August 31, 2022 0 852 (Serbian pro-family march on August 28 that drew 50,000 people) After protests organized by Church and pro-family leaders, Serbian President...
Destroy traditional sexual mores and you destroy society by Cato August 22, 2022 0 3.3k We can see the carnage all around us. Millions of children killed in the womb. Millions of women feeling resentful...
Our age is so confused because we have lost touch with reality by Cato August 19, 2022 0 1.1k The essential problem we face in the Western world is the loss of reality. We have entered into a nihilistic...
Studies show support for single motherhood and cohabitation on the decline by Cato August 18, 2022 0 398 American adults are viewing both single motherhood and cohabitation more negatively and cohabitation rates appear to have stalled. Having negative...
15 blue states and DC come out in support of grooming children as young as 5 in the radical LGBT agenda by Cato August 5, 2022 0 463 On July 1, 2022, the Parental Rights in Education Law came into effect in my home state of Florida. Among...
Franchisees revolt against McDiscrimination against them by Cato July 27, 2022 0 132 It looks like McDonald’s is now going down the yellow arch road of adopting policies that openly discriminate against people...
All House Democrats vote to force gay marriage on U.S by Cato July 21, 2022 0 633 Under this act, the federal government—just like the Supreme Court—would take the issue of homosexual marriage out of the hands...
Church of England cannot define the word “woman” by Cato July 12, 2022 0 886 If there ever was a case of George Orwell’s doublethink, this is it.