Päivi Räsänen again on the front lines against ideological instrumentalization by iFamNews Italia August 20, 2022 0 605 Finnish MP calls on the government not to comply supinely with the Trans Act update, but to conduct the necessary...
Cuba: State LGBT+ ideology by iFamNews Italia August 5, 2022 0 746 Cuba announces the date of the popular referendum to approve new Family Code.
Archie’s heart is still beating by iFamNews Italia August 5, 2022 0 431 An appeal filed with the ECHR blocks the suspension of feeding and ventilation for boy, in coma since April.
Witch hunt on feminists in Norway by iFamNews Italia August 1, 2022 0 801 In the liberal Norway, accusations of "homophobia" and hate speech aim to silence women.
The high costs of transgender surgery in India by iFamNews Italia July 31, 2022 0 374 LGBT+ community calls for state support, but healthcare spending is already insufficient and the country struggles to provide basic care...
Liberia and the “freedom” of abortion by iFamNews Italia July 29, 2022 0 239 A law is under discussion in the African state that aims to expand access to termination of pregnancy.
Czech Republic: another proof that same-sex unions inevitably lead to same-sex “marriage” by iFamNews Italia July 28, 2022 0 367 After the affair of a well-known Czech athlete, a parliamentary motion attempts to legalize "same-sex" marriages.
Horror in India: aborted girls abandoned in the street by iFamNews Italia July 27, 2022 0 194 Girls and women are victims of a mentality that sees them as a burden on families, but also of the...
Abortion numbers for Britain in 2021 by iFamNews Italia July 27, 2022 0 339 Data from the most recent official statistics show chilling numbers.
Lithuania also moves toward same-sex unions by iFamNews Italia July 26, 2022 0 240 A bill to make same-sex unions legal is under discussion in parliament; Lithuanian Bishops' Conference voiced its opposition to it.