Another loud and clear message from pro-family Hungary: Katalin Novák elected President in a landslide

Hungary has elected their first-ever female President. While Novák is portraying it as a victory for women, it is also a monumental win for the Pro-Life movement.

Katalin Novák - Image from @KatalinNovakMP

Katalin Novák - Image from @KatalinNovakMP

Feminists the world over have been calling for the placement of women in high ranks of political power. Ironically, in Hungary–a country accused of being a den of so-called “gender discrimination”–a woman has just been elected president.

More than just a female figurehead, Katalin Novák is a staunch supporter of family policies and the defense of Christian roots; as well as a friend and supporter of iFamNews. She is 44, married, a mother of three children, and as Minister of Family Policies from 2020 to December 31 last year, she encouraged young Hungarians to say yes to life.

A landslide victory against her opponent

Novák, formerly the vice president of the ruling Fidesz party from 2017 to 2021, announced her candidacy for the state’s top position in the run-up to Christmas. In the elections, which were held yesterday in the Budapest Parliament, she secured 137 votes of 193, thus easily defeating opponent and economist Péter Rona who was candidate of the joint opposition list “United for Hungary”. The challenge between Fidesz and this united cartel will be repeated on April 3, when general elections will be held in Hungary.

“So help me God.”

April 3 will also be the day of a clash between two opposed worldviews. Viktor Orbán’s government, at the cost of ending up on the “blacklist” of globalism, has made family policies and opposition to the LGBT+ agenda its hallmark. Katalin Novák was one of the major architects of the pro-family and pro-life vocation of Budapest. It was Novák, who in February 2020 in Washington, signed the Partnership for Families between Hungary and the United States; an endeavour outlining the importance of the family and to “protect human life from conception to the moment of natural death.”

From Minister of Family Policies to leading a much larger ‘family’, Novák’s first comment on Twitter was a simple and brief plea for guidance in her mission: “So help me God.”

Katalin Novák: a win for women, the unborn, the family, and faith.
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