‘A victory so big you can see it from the moon… and Brussels,’ says Hungary’s Viktor Orban by Frank Schubert April 5, 2022 0 1.1k Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his pro-family Fidesz Party have won an overwhelming victory, expanding their two-thirds + supermajority ...
Another loud and clear message from pro-family Hungary: Katalin Novák elected President in a landslide by Federico Cenci March 11, 2022 0 667 Hungary has elected their first-ever female President. While Novák is portraying it as a victory for women, it is also ...
Hungary passes bill aimed at protecting children’s innocence and moral values by Damian Goddard June 16, 2021 0 636 The anti-pedophilia law also includes far-reaching policies protecting children from indoctrination in schools, and "ages 18+" warnings for television programming.