Why All Defenders of Human Dignity, Human Rights and Human Life Should Support the Re-Election of Donald Trump

Every criticism of Trump by Planned Parenthood is his medal of honor he wears for defense of life.

On Monday, July 13, the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule which clarifies that the definition of “sex discrimination” in Obamacare does not include abortions. This is the latest action by this administration to defend human life—and it certainly won’t be the last.

Why should all defenders of human dignity, human rights and human life support the re-election of Donald Trump (the greatest defender of the unborn)? The reasons are the many, many decisions taken by President Trump in defense of the unborn and against the bloc of multinational pro-abortion agencies and actos. These are the facts that everyone has a duty to look at: the reality is that Trump is the greatest defender of the right to human life of all US Presidents.  Do you want proof? Let’s read together the reasons listed by Planned Parenthood, the world’s leading pro-abortion agency, for which they criticize Trump.  AIt is a simple exercise, and what the promoters of abortion say against Trump shows us truly how good he has done at the job of defending human life.

Eroding Access to Abortion

“Trump’s vision of the United States is one where abortion is no longer safe and legal.”

“Trump, who has bragged for a decade about being “pro-life,” called for a nationwide abortion ban while campaigning for president in 2016 — and even said that pregnant people who obtain abortions should be subject to “some form of punishment.”  After taking office, Trump hired numerous anti-abortion ideologues and activists to help him realize that agenda — and became the first sitting president in U.S. history to address the annual March for Life anti-abortion rally…Trump also reinstated and strengthened the “global gag rule,” which prevents foreign organizations that rely on U.S. global health assistance from providing information, referrals, or services for legal abortion or advocating for access to abortion services in their country — even with their own money…”

Undermining Access to Birth Control

“During its first year, the Trump administration issued rules to allow employers and health insurers to refuse to cover birth control on the basis of religious or “moral” objections — which sought to reverse ACA protections designed to guarantee access to contraception at no out-of-pocket cost. Those rules reflect the extreme beliefs of key Trump administration staffers, many of whom have spread misinformation about birth control throughout their careers. Before joining the Trump administration, an appointee to run family planning programs at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) groundlessly claimed that “incidents of contraception use and the incidents of abortion go hand in hand” — and falsely claimed there were “new abortion-inducing drugs disguised as contraceptives.” Another official baselessly wrote that birth control causes “miscarriages of already-conceived children,” and “ruin[s] your uterus for baby-hosting.”  Staunch opposition to birth control also characterizes the records of several of Trump’s nearly 200 appointees to the federal courts…”

“Debasing Sex Education

“Quality sex education, taught by trained educators who cover topics such as relationships, consent, decision making, gender identity, birth control, and more, had federal support before Trump became president — but his administration quickly moved to undermine funding for those programs. The ideologues who surround Trump have used their positions in the U.S. government to steer money away from quality, evidence-based approaches to sex education and toward abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.  In budget after budget, Trump has sought to eliminate the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPPP). Those efforts have failed — but the Trump administration also attempted to end five-year TPPP grants two years early, even though the program was set to provide 1.2 million young people with evidence-based sex education…”

 “Attacking Access to Care at Planned Parenthood Health Centers

“Since coming to power, Trump has tried to cut off people’s access to Planned Parenthood in every way possible — in presidential budgets, ACA repeal plans, tax reform legislation, federal resolutions and regulations, nominations of judges with records that are hostile to reproductive health and rights, and appointments of anti-Planned Parenthood government officials…All these attacks have one goal: close Planned Parenthood health centers, and block access to care for roughly 2.4 million Planned Parenthood patients…On 2019, Trump issued an unethical “gag rule” on Title X, the bipartisan federal program that provides affordable birth control and sexual and reproductive health care to people with low incomes, including people who couldn’t otherwise afford health care services on their own. The rule banned health care providers from telling people how they can safely and legally access abortion, forcing Planned Parenthood health centers and numerous others out of the program — and made clear that the administration is more interested in pushing Trump’s ideology on the American people than it is in protecting their health, livelihoods, and freedoms…Under Trump’s direction, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rescinded Obama-era guidance that made clear that people have the right to use their Medicaid coverage to access preventive care at the provider of their choice, including Planned Parenthood health centers. The move threatens to embolden state officials to try to exclude Planned Parenthood from Medicaid reimbursement for preventive care services… In his first year in office, Trump was the first U.S. president to propose a federal budget that singled out Planned Parenthood for “defunding” from all federal funding streams — and he has continued to do this in all of his presidential budgets… Abortion, birth control, and affordable heath care access are all in grave jeopardy… We won’t let Trump decide how to run our country anymore. We won’t let Trump decide our future. With our votes this year, we — not Donald Trump — decide what is best for our health….”

Without a doubt, Planned Parenthood’s criticisms of Trump are filled with half-truths and some outright lies. But there is a some truth underlying the claims, as well: truth that only goes to show how very much President Trump has done to defend human life from the point of conception, and to reduce abortion and the power of culture of death as much as possible. Clearly, Planned Parenthood views him as a formidable enemy, which is why we should view him as a powerful ally: every criticism of Trump by Planned Parenthood is his medal of honor he wears for defending human life.

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