What is it about Democrats and drag queens?

Ever since transgenderism became all the rage with our country’s radical elites, the Left has been using drag queens to advance the LGBT agenda and groom our children. For example, Fisher-Price has just introduced a set of RuPaul drag queen figurines marketed to children as young as one. To celebrate Pride month this year a gay bar in Dallas, Texas, hosted a “family friendly” drag show targeted at children entitled “Drag Your Kids to Pride”; at the event children threw dollar bills at scantily-clad drag queens and went on stage with them. And now two prominent Democratic leaders—U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris—are proudly hanging out with drag queens to show support for the radical LGBT agenda.

In an episode of the RuPaul Drag Race show which aired on June 10, 2022 on Paramount +, Speaker Nancy Pelosi makes a guest appearance and gives strong support to the drag queens. In the episode Pelosi states:

“It is my honor to be here to say to all of you how proud we all are of you. Thank you for the joy and beauty you bring to the world. Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about. I say that all the time to my friends in drag.”

In a tweet on June 11 about the appearance, Pelosi says:

“It was an honor to make an appearance on episode 5 of @RuPaulsDragRace. All Stars 7 this week. I was inspired by the contestants because they know their power. Their freedom of expression is what America is all about. #Pride Month”

Significantly, this was not the first time Pelosi appeared on the drag queen show as she also was on it it back in 2018. When asked by the Hollywood Reporter at the time about that appearance and what politicians could learn from drag queens, Pelosi stated:

“Authenticity. Taking pride in who you are. Knowing your power — that’s what I talk about on my brief segment on the show. This idea of people believing in themselves, being themselves, taking pride in themselves, is not just a lesson for politicians but for everyone in the country. And that’s why I was so excited and couldn’t resist being on the show.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, however, would not let Speaker Pelosi steal the show in giving support to drag queens. As reported by LifeSiteNews, on June 12, 2022, Harris and her husband appeared at the Capitol Pride event in Washington, DC, and both went on stage with the drag queen winner of season thirteen’s RuPaul’s Drag Race. (What is it about Democrats and RuPaul?). After the event Harris posted on Instagram a picture of herself hugging the drag queen with the words “Love is love. Happy Pride!”

So there you have it. The Left is using drag queens to promote the radical LGBT agenda and groom children, and senior Democratic leaders are on board. Indeed, these Democrats cannot do enough to promote drag queens and their lifestyle. Let’s hope that all the socially-conservative Hispanics and African Americans who traditionally support the Democratic Party will think again when November comes around. Pelosi and Harris do not represent their values—or those of anyone concerned about our children and culture.

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