University of Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh expresses pro-life stance and willingness to adopt unwanted babies

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University of Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh, has shown a steadfast commitment to pro-life views, even stating his willingness to raise the child of anyone in his circle facing unplanned parenthood. In an interview with ESPN in 2022, Harbaugh voiced his readiness to step in if anyone close to him felt unable to care for their baby due to unexpected pregnancy. Having previously had an audience with Pope Francis, he described the encounter as a “lifetime” experience that left him contemplating how best to deploy the “grace” gained from this encounter.

Harbaugh’s trip to the Vatican in 2017, where he gifted Pope Francis a University of Michigan helmet and a pair of cleats, reportedly left a profound impact on the coach. He described the grace he felt post-meeting as a call to action, prompting him to contemplate on his ‘duty’ going forward. As both a public figure and a senior editor at the Catholic News Agency, Harbaugh’s declarations foregrounded his strong stance on pro-life values, positioning him as an influential voice in the ongoing dialogues on unplanned pregnancy and pro-life perspectives.

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