Trust the science – No, men cannot ‘chestfeed’ an infant

The CDC claims that biological men can 'chestfeed' infants. So much for science.

For years now, Democrat politicians and appointed officials have admonished citizens to “trust the science” when it comes to important matters of health and welfare. “Science” was the foundation for the many orders limiting personal freedom and association during the COVID pandemic.

It’s why Americans were forced to wear masks, even while outside. It’s why businesses were closed and travel curtailed. It’s why churches were shuttered. It’s why loved ones were prevented from visiting relatives in hospitals and nursing homes. It’s why the government fired people (including military personnel) who refused to take the experimental COVID shots, and why they tried to force businesses to fire their own workers who similarly did not want the shots. And it is why government colluded with social media companies to shut down any conversation that questioned the validity of the science or the policies that were being implemented.

Of course, we now know that “the science” relied upon by government officials was bogus. Not only did masks not work to slow the spread of COVID, but vaccinations had little impact either. Even worse, it now appears that government scientists played a role in funding the scientific “research” that resulted in the COVID-19 virus being created in a Chinese lab.

You’d think with this sorry record that the government would be hyper careful in making any new claims that are obviously political in nature and lacking true scientific credibility.

But you would be wrong.

The once-respected Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is claiming on its website that biological men calling themselves “transgender women” can breastfeed infants just like normal women can do after giving birth.

How ridiculous.

What the CDC really means is that a man can take powerful and dangerous drugs and hormones and eventually produce a “milky” substance that can be fed to an infant. But they can’t say that this is healthy for either the man or the baby. In fact, a body of evidence suggests that a drug used to induce lactation, domperidone, is dangerous as it causes cardiac problems in both adults and babies. There are no long term studies of the impact of these hormones and drugs on men or on infants.

A transgender ”woman” (e.g. a biological man) can breastfeed in the same way that a man can “transition” to being a woman. He can’t.

He can undergo various surgeries (facial “feminization” surgery, “top” surgery, “bottom” surgery, etc.), he can take powerful female hormones, he can learn to dress like a woman and take on a feminine appearance, but he cannot ever be a woman.

Every cell in his body is male. Every one of the 37 trillion cells that make up an adult human will contain chromosomes that mark him as a man.

This is not about science. The entire transgender movement is a lie based on political ideology, not on science.

It’s outrageous that a government agency like the CDC has taken such a transparently political posture when it is ostensibly supposedly to inform people to adopt healthy behaviors that are established by science.

And it’s the latest example of why “the science” cannot be trusted.

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