USA: 19 states oppose gender-based “treatment” for minors by iFamNews Russia July 21, 2023 0 599 Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Florida, Idaho, Utah, Indiana, etc. - already 19 states have introduced bills to ban or severely restrict ...
Eugenics and the American roots of the Nazi gas chambers by Pavel Parfentiev April 20, 2023 0 3.9k Madison Grant wrote: “A misguided respect for what are considered divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of ...
Satanic temple to open abortion clinic in New Mexico by Olga Kukhtenkova February 24, 2023 0 488 The Satanic Temple defines abortion as a "religious practice" and a "religious right". It claims it will counsel women for ...
Four months after Roe’s overturn – a recap by Olga Kukhtenkova November 3, 2022 0 440 Pro-choice advocates are sounding the alarm–more and more states are restricting and banning abortion. By winter the number is expected ...