UN declares war on religions that do not accept LGBTI doctrine? by Luca Volontè August 24, 2023 0 2.2k Any such limitation demanded or imposed by the UN in favor of LGBTI ideology is a violation of the human ...
UN follows Agenda 2030 and launches campaign against freedom of expression by Luca Volontè May 1, 2023 0 658 Official UN twitter profile posted an image of a gun pasted over a megaphone, with #NoToHate. That is, words kill. ...
Has the UN become a pedophile club? by Luca Volontè April 25, 2023 0 5.8k They seem to suggest that pedophilia could be normalized, or at least endured and not punished when there is "child ...
UN warns Belgium about euthanasia by Federico Cenci May 24, 2021 0 565 "A just society takes care of the most vulnerable", says lawyer at the United Nations. And the euthanasia issue is ...