YMCA bans 80-year old woman for standing up to man in girls locker room by Brian Brown, Jr. August 8, 2022 0 1.9k A Washington State YMCA has banned an elderly woman for complaining that a man was allowed to be in their ...
Witch hunt on feminists in Norway by iFamNews Italia August 1, 2022 0 801 In the liberal Norway, accusations of "homophobia" and hate speech aim to silence women.
The high costs of transgender surgery in India by iFamNews Italia July 31, 2022 0 373 LGBT+ community calls for state support, but healthcare spending is already insufficient and the country struggles to provide basic care ...
FINA says “No” to trans athletes in women’s competitions by iFamNews Italia July 26, 2022 0 374 FINA follows the International Cycling Union and precedes the International Rugby League to ensure fair competitions for women.
Finland: LGBT Pride and gender self-identification by iFamNews Italia July 22, 2022 0 525 New legislation on transgender persons is being considered, to be discussed after summer in Finnish parliament.
Senator Hawley scorned by woke professor, calls him “transphobic” by Brian Brown, Jr. July 12, 2022 0 610 A Senate hearing on legal concerns after Roe vs. Wade went sour during a heated exchange between Senator Josh Hawley ...
Florida teen gives tragic testimony of her gender transition in support of DeSantis’ plan by Brian Brown, Jr. July 11, 2022 0 489 Chole Cole, a seventeen year old girl who de-transitioned after a fruitless attempt to become male, shared her story to ...
The unreality of transgenderism by Cato July 7, 2022 0 2.4k One hundred years from now our descendants will look back at the first half of the 21st century and be ...
Here comes the “menstrual leave.” For trans persons by Manuela Antonacci June 12, 2022 0 755 As fewer and fewer people now know how to define what it means to be a woman, here is the ...
Wales also wants to ban “conversion therapies” by iFamNews Italia May 3, 2022 0 176 Despite the British central government's backtracking, the Welsh Parliament continues on its way.