First baby born to trans couple in France, but ECHR confirms nature: Woman is the mother by Luca Volontè April 21, 2023 0 5.9k He wants to be the mother and she the father: the first trans couple in France fights to change law ...
Google chatbot promotes transgender ideology by Luca Volontè April 18, 2023 0 559 Not surprisingly, Google's chatbot denies any political orientation, but at the same time, promotes trans drugs, Joe Biden and veganism.
Nordic bishops condemn transgender ideology by iFamNews Germany April 12, 2023 0 934 The statement emphasizes that the Christian view of the human person and sexuality cannot be replaced by the ideology of ...
Biden calls bans on transgender treatment for children “almost sinful” by iFamNews Germany April 6, 2023 0 241 Biden: "What's going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, almost sinful. I mean, it's just horrible what ...
Cyndi Lauper: Child protection laws against trans ideology are like “Nazi Germany” by iFamNews Germany March 31, 2023 0 562 “Equality for everybody, or nobody’s really equal,” Lauper told ITK. “This is how Hitler started, just weeding everybody out.”
Australia, New Zealand: LGBT extremists attack women defending their sex against transgender abuse by Luca Volontè March 31, 2023 0 986 The risk to the physical safety of those who defend femininity is real and in addition to the media gag, ...
IOF and NOM score victory against Amazon’s support of transgender violence by IFN English March 29, 2023 0 3.3k Why had Amazon been selling products that support the use of violence by transgender activists?
Scotland: After prison rape, trans prisoners housed according to their biological sex by iFamNews Germany March 8, 2023 0 1.3k The policy change follows public outrage after Isla Bryson, a transgender double rapist, was initially incarcerated in a women's prison.
Spanish trans law eliminated about 500 legal differences between men and women by Luca Volontè March 7, 2023 0 788 Most conservative associations and think tanks, family associations, and feminists (of all political colors) are at war against this law ...
Pope Benedict XVI: calling out the transgender agenda 40 years ago by Robert Siedlecki February 20, 2023 0 1.1k “ne cannot struggle against nature without undergoing the most devastating consequences.”