Trans ideology is unscientific by iFamNews Germany July 10, 2023 0 1.6k In a commentary, journalist and writer Julian Marius Plutz clarifies what is scientifically proven... and what is not.
Australia, New Zealand: LGBT extremists attack women defending their sex against transgender abuse by Luca Volontè March 31, 2023 0 986 The risk to the physical safety of those who defend femininity is real and in addition to the media gag, ...
Canadian PM Trudeau is liberal enough to make fun of biological women by Luca Volontè March 17, 2023 0 890 Trudeau confirmed what we knew all along, it's not about tolerance but about going "beyond 'tolerate' and start to embrace, ...
France: the “pregnant” man who can therefore have an abortion by Giacobbe della Scala September 15, 2022 0 660 For "Le planning familial" it is as easy as that. Because a man is only a person "born with a ...
Senator Claire Chandler: Bureaucracy erasing women by IFN English July 27, 2022 0 760 The overwhelming majority of Australians don’t find the re-labelling of mothers as “birthing parents” or “pregnant people” inclusive. They consider ...