EU silent on the worrying rise of anti-Christian acts, vandalism throughout Europe by Luca Volontè March 23, 2023 0 846 As Christianophobia rises in France and Europe, a group of intellectuals, associations, secularists and religious officials call for EU intervention.
Spanish Foundation calls for a halt to the demolition of religious monuments by iFamNews Spain February 23, 2023 0 333 "The only purpose of this catalog is to persecute and eliminate Christian symbols, violating the right to religious freedom enshrined ...
Spanish Post Office to issue commemorative stamp of the Communist Party by iFamNews Spain December 15, 2022 0 1.6k "This is the exaltation of a political party that committed crimes and persecuted thousands of people solely because of their ...
Nicaragua’s dictatorship expels Mother Teresa’s missionaries by Luis Losada October 9, 2022 0 882 A hatred that can only be explained by the fact that the Church is the only voice with moral authority ...