New petition urges South Dakota Governor to stand up for women by IFN English March 22, 2021 0 430 The petition accuses the Governor of engaging in "double speak."
Amazon taking pre-orders on book chronicling the reproductive journey and legal battle of a… “throuple” by Damian Goddard March 8, 2021 0 718 Weeks after cancelling best-selling book critical of the transgender movement, Amazon proves once again that the LGBT cause is accelerating ...
Transgender kids’ book sparks outrage by Joseph Grabowski February 18, 2021 0 1.7k Unfortunately, this kind of ideology-driven curriculum is becoming increasingly typical around the country, and is impacting every age group.
Draft law on same-sex partnership underway in Serbia by Jugoslav Kiprijanović February 11, 2021 0 574 How ideological colonizers are boiling the frog in Serbia.
Countering the liberal agenda in our libraries by Brian Brown, Jr. February 8, 2021 0 773 A woman's stand against perversion in our libraries.
Orwellian (adj.)—How Progressive Ideology Enforces The Abnormalities of the New Normal by Joseph Grabowski October 14, 2020 0 1.1k "Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we ...
“In Poland, the Real Persecuted are Christians, Not LGBT” by Federico Cenci October 8, 2020 0 869 Arrests, violence, threats. The Western press raises this alarm, about the alleged persecution of LGBT+ in Poland. The Italian newspaper ...
U.S. Supreme Court Justices Signal Willingness to Reverse Ruling Imposing Gay ‘Marriage’ by Frank Schubert October 8, 2020 0 709 Gay advocates say same-sex 'marriage' "is doomed" if Amy Coney Barrett s confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.