From the Trenches, Pt. 7: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19, Continued by Luca Volontè May 4, 2020 0 414 Why are workers presumed to be more prudent than faithful gathered for worship?
From the Trenches, Pt. 6: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19, Continued by Luca Volontè April 23, 2020 0 757 We need to follow this example of courage to take care of souls even if it means we can be ...
From the Trenches, Pt. 5: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19, Continued by Luca Volontè April 14, 2020 0 241 Dear American friends, Happy Easter! Italy feels abandoned; even the Financial Times ran the headline, “Coronavirus: Is Europe losing Italy?” ...
WATCH: Video from Hospital in Milan Overwhelmed with Covid-19 by Luca Volontè April 7, 2020 0 3.7k From the Trenches, Pt. 4: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19, Continued
From the Trenches, Pt. 3: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19, Continued by Luca Volontè April 2, 2020 0 1.1k It is a never-ending tragedy: nearly 50,000 people have died throughout the world, in Italy over 13,000. are in Italy. ...
From the Trenches, Pt. 2: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19, Continued by Luca Volontè March 26, 2020 0 926 Imagine "no God above us?" No, we should instead be seeking his help.
From the Trenches: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19 by Luca Volontè March 16, 2020 0 2.1k "I can only say that I hope that no one in New York ever has to experience life the way ...
Christian Pro-Family Governments? by Allan Carlson, Ph.D. February 25, 2020 0 467 Even within the center of the European Union, the culture wars over family law and family policy are actually heating ...