The Global Day of Parents 2023: Our children are our future! by E. Douglas Clark May 31, 2023 0 411 Our children are our wealth; our children are our strength; our children are indeed our future!
First things last: the Secretary-General’s regrettable silence on parents and children by E. Douglas Clark June 8, 2021 0 585 António Guterres declares the importance of bikes and the environment, but is silent on the very foundation of civilization – ...
The 2021 Global Day of Parents: hope amid a dystopian childhood nightmare by E. Douglas Clark May 30, 2021 0 251 June 1st marks a global reminder of the magnificent importance of the nuclear family.
The Best That Mankind Has to Give: Celebrating the Global Day of Parents 2020 by E. Douglas Clark May 29, 2020 0 518 As we celebrate the Global Day of Parents on June 1, we honor all faithful parents who selflessly give the ...