You can get killed only if you have been vaccinated by Marco Respinti January 13, 2022 0 1.6k If you want to be euthanized in Hamburg, you must prove that you are healthy. When the ridiculous is added ...
Euthanasia practiced for the first time in Colombia on a non-terminal patient by iFamNews Italia January 11, 2022 0 342 Access to on-demand death is increasingly easy in the Ibero-American country
Euthanasia: Here’s what happened in the Netherlands by Federico Cenci October 7, 2021 0 2.7k Professor Boer, a former supporter of the law, says: "Many people wonder where we will end up".
Let’s celebrate Ireland, where euthanasia has been stopped by Angelo Bottone August 11, 2021 0 1.8k A big little victory for the pro-life front, marking a change of pace. Whether momentary or not, remains to be ...
UN warns Belgium about euthanasia by Federico Cenci May 24, 2021 0 560 "A just society takes care of the most vulnerable", says lawyer at the United Nations. And the euthanasia issue is ...
Pippa Knight, 2015–2021 by Marco Respinti May 13, 2021 0 873 Haec accipiet benedictionem a Domino, et misericordiam a Deo salutari suae: quia haec est generatio quaerentium Dominum.
Serial killings of innocent little ones by Barbara Santambrogio May 2, 2021 0 1.5k Everyone is just standing and doing nothing, waiting for the next victim.
“Lives not worth living”, an expression to be banned by Giacomo Bertoni January 28, 2020 0 332 Yesterday Nazi barbarity, today abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, religious persecution