Promotion of pregnant transgender couple is depraved on so many levels by Frank Schubert July 15, 2021 0 3.1k Facebook is airing a docuseries featuring a pregnant transgender they claim faces rampant discrimination. They believe "assigning" a gender to ...
An unholy alliance: the Equality Act and corporate America by E. Douglas Clark May 18, 2021 0 541 With the vast resources of corporate America marshalled in support this disastrous legislation, America urgently needs the best efforts and ...
The Siren Song of “Equality” by E. Douglas Clark July 7, 2020 0 256 To avoid shipwreck today, we must resist the siren song that claims “equality” but denies the complementarity of man and ...
J.K. Rowling Gets This Right by Frank Schubert June 9, 2020 0 1.3k Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is right: if transgender ideology is accepted as real, it will erase the reality of ...