The exodus from tax crazy blue states by Brian Brown, Jr. January 11, 2022 0 350 The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the already massive movement away from blue, tax heavy states, according to the non-partisan group ...
Corporate wokeism not convincing American voters by Nicole King January 10, 2022 0 360 A new report shows the divide between corporate elites and the average American consumer is wide, and ever-growing.
Continuing Covid tyranny in Canada now targets a family’s freedom to purchase foodstuffs by Damian Goddard December 6, 2021 0 4.4k The provincial government in New Brunswick has coined it a "Winter Action Plan" to combat COVID-19; now giving grocery stores ...
Fauci’s Fraud: “We’ve been doing this for decades.” by Frank Schubert October 7, 2021 0 361 Anthony Fauci and the left's latest talking point to support mandated COVID vaccines in children is to fraudulently claim that ...
Italians against the Green Pass: 30,000 signatures in a few days by Federico Cenci August 29, 2021 0 1.5k Extraordinary success of an online petition in Italy: “Let's restore mutilated rights and freedoms.”
“The scenarios are sinister”–Why I’m suspending screenings of my films to protest the Covid ‘Green Pass’ by Federico Cenci August 8, 2021 0 1.9k Federica Picchi, founder of Dominus Production: "It is a testimony for freedom".
Face masks: are we sure they’re not harming our children? by Federico Cenci July 9, 2021 0 836 While a German study highlights the problem of children inhaling carbon dioxide, a leading pediatric cardiologist says mask-wearing needs "further ...
North America facing a crude crunch by Damian Goddard June 14, 2021 0 227 In the US, crude climbs to its highest price in three years. In Canada, forecasters are expecting higher prices at ...
Dear children: you are NOT the problem by Damian Goddard June 3, 2021 0 438 A virus is being weaponized against our children. And this attrition warfare is claiming too many young lives. And it ...
Facebook does not censor child pornography by Luca Marcolivio June 3, 2021 0 466 Zealous in many other political cases, Facebook shows itself strong with the weak and weak with the strong.