Netherlands: Eugenics advances, euthanasia allowed for minors aged 1 to 12 by Luca Volontè April 19, 2023 0 1.4k Children do not have sufficient capacity to oppose the choice of others to actively end their lives. The government has ...
Portugal again in the streets: Defending life, fighting euthanasia by Luca Volontè March 28, 2023 0 307 March for Life was held in several Portuguese cities on 18 March.
Portugal: Parliament supports bill on assisted suicide by iFamNews Germany December 22, 2022 0 523 The Portuguese Parliament has approved a law allowing physician-assisted suicide in certain cases.
The more euthanasia is legal, the more it kills for no reason by Angelo Bottone September 24, 2022 0 1.5k Canadian health ministry report shows how the new 2021 law dramatically increased deaths by lowering average age of people choosing ...
Switzerland holds back on assisted suicide by Barbara Santambrogio August 2, 2022 0 930 New guidelines issued by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences envisage obstacles for healthy people, which is only logical. Except ...
Mexico: first abortion and gay “marriage,” now euthanasia by iFamNews Italia July 8, 2022 0 223 Some Morena deputies promote "medically assisted death" across the country.
Euthanasia gallops in the Netherlands by iFamNews Italia April 14, 2022 0 124 The analyses of the regional control committees have been published recently, showing an increase of more than 10%.
Oregon faces the risk of death tourism by Luca Marcolivio April 13, 2022 0 116 In the American Northwest, the motivations of those who choose "assisted suicide" are increasingly laughable. And this makes the whole ...
Amendment on “assisted suicide” withdrawn in UK parliament by iFamNews Italia February 1, 2022 0 762 After lengthy debate, the upper house of the British parliament has excluded the amendment from the "Health and Care Bill". ...
UK parliament refuses to support assisted suicide bills, Christians campaign to end forced marriages in Pakistan, and American high schools are banning “pride” and “BLM” flags by Luca Volontè November 16, 2021 0 194 Spotlight on the good things happening in the world.