Concerns Raised by Pro-Life Leaders about Potential Covid-19 Vaccines by Joseph Grabowski June 12, 2020 0 773 Some of the potential vaccines in development are being synthesized using cell lines that were originally taken from the remains ...
During Confinement, the Culture of Death Continues by Guillaume De Thieulloy April 23, 2020 0 306 French governement promotes abortion, including during confinement
Thank You, Poland! by Marco Respinti April 15, 2020 0 587 While the world uses coronavirus to expand abortion, Warsaw’s parliament tries to do the opposite.
WCF, Soros and Abortion by Guillaume De Thieulloy March 25, 2020 0 1.2k A Soros agency invented a conspiracy theory about the worldwide pro-life movement supposed to be managed by Trump's White House
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Uses Coronavirus to Promote Abortion by Frank Schubert March 17, 2020 0 2.2k The gambit was so ill-received that it threatened to bring Congressional negotiations on the coronavirus response to a halt.
French Justice, Free-Masonry and Pro-Life by Guillaume De Thieulloy March 7, 2020 0 471 A leftist Freemason organization sues a pro-life website for denouncing the truth about abortion.
Soros Targets Pro-Lifers by Andrea Morigi February 19, 2020 0 612 The billionaire has found allies in the European Parliament, while the pro-life politicians seem to have disappeared.
The Chinese Dragon Not Having Children by Barbara Santambrogio January 31, 2020 0 591 Couples in their childbearing age do not hold up the pace of an ageing population. The situation is already unsustainable
“Lives not worth living”, an expression to be banned by Giacomo Bertoni January 28, 2020 0 332 Yesterday Nazi barbarity, today abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, religious persecution
Shining Like a City on a Hill: A President Protects the Unborn by E. Douglas Clark January 27, 2020 0 210 President Trump boldly protects what the Declaration of Independence acknowledges as the Creator-endowed unalienable right to life possessed by all ...