Last updated on March 19th, 2020 at 10:55 am
In France, pro-life people are a very small minority. Of course, a lot of French citizens are enthusiastic for liberal laws. But few people dare to speak publicly in favor of babies threatened by abortion or old or disabled people threatened by euthanasia. And many laws limit freedom of speech for promoters of culture of life – in addition to pro-death laws. Particularly, in 2017, under influence of socialist liberals, the parliament voted a law extending to internet what they call an “offense of obstructing abortion”: websites trying to prevent women to perform abortion can now be sued. It’s very probable that France could be condemned by the European Court of Human Rights if such a trial would happen to take place in this Court. But, meanwhile, this law aggravates self-censorship and the hegemony of the culture of death. Add to this situation that, regularly, “progressive” governments finance with taxpayers’ money expensive propaganda campaigns in favor of abortion. Thus, not only pro-life people, but all conservatives and even all honest people (whether they defend the good management of public funds or the freedom of expression) should protest against this fact.
But here is an interesting opportunity to do so – which I can speak of all the better since I am one of the main actors in the “movie”.
In 2015, the socialist government of François Hollande funded a major propaganda campaign in favor of abortion. We saw naked women there, wearing tattoos in favor of what the politically correct calls “IVG” (for voluntary interruption of pregnancy – as if an interrupted pregnancy could be resumed!). You can see some visuals of this campaign below.

A reader of the Salon Beige had the idea to divert this campaign, by keeping the visuals but modifying the mottos. Thus “abortion is my right” became “Killing is my right” (see photo below). Naturally, this diversion had no other purpose than to humorously recall the awful truth of abortion. However, our friend had a remarkable sense of detail and all the elements of the poster were thus diverted, including the address of the propaganda site: from we passed to (where ivg is synonymous with abortion and godf is the acronym of the main masonic organization, the Grand Orient of France, particularly hostile to Christianity and very leftist – Freemasons having often “praised” themselves about being at origin of the Veil law decriminalizing abortion in 1974).

What do you think happened? The Grand Orient lodged a complaint against me (as director of the publication of the Salon beige) for defamation. This case is quite interesting, because I can imagine two reasons (not exclusive one from the other) to consider that this diversion was defamatory: either the Grand Orient claims to have nothing to do with the legalization of abortion (but it left many written traces to the contrary) or it claims that abortion is an evil. In any case, we have a unique opportunity to debate (both on the role of anti-Catholic forces like the Grand Orient in French political life and on abortion) – and in court. The hearing will take place on May 22. Case to follow…
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