Italian PM Meloni critizes decision to make birth control pill free of charge by iFamNews Germany May 23, 2023 0 156 In Italy, there is still a resistance among doctors to perform abortions. The pharmaceutical industry now wants to counteract this. ...
US election campaign: Kamala Harris wants to make abortion the central issue by iFamNews Germany May 22, 2023 0 162 Kamala Harris is a close ally of the abortion lobby.
The three strategies of the abortion lobby by iFamNews Germany May 21, 2023 0 264 John Smeaton summarizes why the abortion industry is so successful.
Germany: Abortions post 4.6% decline in 2020 by iFamNews Germany April 24, 2023 0 855 In 2020, 90,700 abortions were reported in Germany.
Switzerland: Abortion remains legal, but still listed in Penal Code by iFamNews Germany March 17, 2023 0 523 Abortion remains legal in the first 12 weeks.
“Outrageous attack on civil liberties”: UK posed to set up nationwide buffer zones around abortion clinics by Johann R. Porter February 20, 2023 0 119 "Parliament has literally criminalized compassion–without even voting on it. (...) Thought crime is now very real in the UK," note ...
UK censorship zones: Catholic priest charged with praying outside abortion clinic by Johann R. Porter February 17, 2023 0 513 His presence had intimidated the abortion clinic's clients. Gough, however, was there when the clinic was closed.
New study reaffirms: Abortion has no positive effect on women’s psyche by Johann R. Porter February 11, 2023 0 1.1k They concluded that a substantial proportion of methodologically well-done international studies agree that abortion is associated with an increased risk ...
Thought police in the UK: British man fined for silently praying for his deceased son by Johann R. Porter January 25, 2023 0 1.6k Smith-Connor is the second victim of the new censorship zones in the United Kingdom. Earlier, a pro-life worker was arrested ...
Spain’s lower house votes for abortion at 16 without parents’ knowledge by Johann R. Porter January 2, 2023 0 948 Also, female employees who suffer from menstrual cramps should be allowed to take time off with continued pay. Spain would ...