Study shows significant increase in support for political violence among Democratic voters in the US

A recent study conducted by the University of Chicago has found that support for political violence has grown significantly among Democratic voters in the United States. The study, which surveyed American adults in June, asked whether force is justified to achieve certain goals. It revealed that support for the use of force to coerce members of Congress has doubled among Democrats since 2013, from 9% to 17% in June.

The report also notes that the rise in support for political violence among Democrats is happening alongside the Republican rise to power and proceedings in the House of Representatives. Additionally, Democrats were more likely to express radical and explicitly violent support for political violence in order to restore abortion rights in the country. The study found that public support for violence to restore the federal right to abortion grew from 8% to 12% between January and June of the same year, with the increase being sharpest among Democrats.

The research was conducted by University of Chicago Professor Robert Pape, who is described as a “liberal Republican” and has reportedly voted for Democrats in the past. These findings shed light on the concerning trend of growing support for political violence among certain segments of the population, regardless of political affiliation.

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