Spanish Foundation calls for a halt to the demolition of religious monuments

"The only purpose of this catalog is to persecute and eliminate Christian symbols, violating the right to religious freedom enshrined in the EC."

The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has requested precautionary measures before the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Valencia. It is calling for a halt to all demolitions of religious monuments ordered by municipalities in the region at the request of the Generalitat Valenciana.

The jurists’ organization believes that the catalog of Franco’s vestiges prepared by the Generalitat on the basis of which crosses are being destroyed throughout the region is null and void.

The request for precautionary measures is part of a contentious procedure requesting the annulment of said catalog for violating constitutional rights and for irregularities in the procedure.

Christian Lawyers underlines that the Generalitat is forcing the destruction of the monuments, giving a period of one month to the City Councils, based on a document that, according to the autonomous government itself, is an open and not definitive act. The lawyers’ organization also alleges defencelessness, since the Generalitat has not given a hearing to any party, nor the option to appeal or plead anything.

In total, Christian Lawyers believes that 27 religious monuments are at risk of demolition on the basis of this catalog. Among them, the cross of the Ribalta Park in Castellón and the cross of the Paseo de las Germanías in Elche stand out.

The president of Christian Lawyers, Polonia Castellanos, stated that “the only purpose of this catalog is to persecute and eliminate Christian symbols, thus violating Article 16 enshrined in the EC and, once again, to whitewash history and whiten communism, forgetting all those people who were massacred because of their faith and for whose memory many crosses were erected”.

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