Presbyterian minister claims God was present during her abortions

Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), has caused controversy by stating in a sermon that she felt God’s presence with her when she chose to have two abortions. Peters, who is also a professor and abortion activist, defended her decision, claiming that a “forced” pregnancy or birth is “not holy”. She argued that the Bible does not address the issue of abortion and denied the biological humanity of unborn babies.

This viewpoint goes against the teachings of truly Christian denominations that emphasize the value of unborn babies and the sanctity of life. The Presbyterian Church (USA) passed a resolution in support of abortion last year, joining other mainline Protestant denominations in their support for abortion.

There are many real Christians who are actively working to save unborn babies and support pregnant and parenting mothers. Pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and other charities run by Christians provide assistance and resources to help mothers in need. These efforts reflect a true love for others and a commitment to defending the vulnerable and promoting the well-being of both mothers and babies.

The perspective shared by Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters is one that is completely incompatable with a truly Christian worldview. A Christian supports life, from conception to natural death. Anyone who claims to be Christian, and supports the murder of children is leading others into scandal and sin.

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