Poland target of the abortion lobby in the European Parliament

MEPs ruthlessly attack Poland, going so far as to call it "an embarrassment" and say it "literally kills women."

Ordo Iuris

Debate full of false claims

During the hearing in the European Parliament, many lies were told against Poland, the Constitutional Court’s 2020 judgment on eugenic abortion, and the existing law protecting the lives of conceived children (and in this regard, fully compliant with the provisions of the Polish Constitution and binding acts of international law). The statements of the participants in the conversation clearly show that the tactics of the environment promoting abortion and aiming for its widespread legalization in Poland are the same as in other countries where it has already been successfully introduced, such as Ireland. Hence the plans on display to make the tragically deceased Ms. Izabela from Pszczyna “a patron of the movement, defending [women’s] health, defending [women’s] rights, defending [women’s] freedom,” along the lines of Savita Halappanavar, whose death in an Irish hospital in 2012 was ruthlessly used to promote the liberalization of laws protecting life. This shows another brutal truth about the abortion lobby’s activities–the instrumental use of a family tragedy to advance their own wicked demands.

Much was said about women’s rights and interests, but only in the context of the demand for unfettered access to procedures for the killing of unborn children. Although a representative of an organization calling itself the Federation for Women and Family Planning also took part in the discussion, no proposals to improve the standard of medical care for mothers and children or to support families were floated. The main target of attacks from leftist participants in the discussion was Poland, deceitfully portrayed as a country where women “are no longer safe in the hospital, they cannot feel safe when they go to the doctor.”

For the sake of a reminder, both Ms. Isabella and Savita Halappanavar died as a result of the lack of proper diagnosis and provision of the needed treatment, as noted in the inspection reports of the hospitals where they were treated. However, this does not prevent pro-abortion organizations, as well as MEPs, from spreading false information about the connection between Ms. Isabella’s death and the 2020 Constitutional Court ruling. The fact that the woman’s death was the result of a medical error was also mentioned by Ms. Izabela’s sister-in-law, who was invited to the debate.  

Defamation of Poland

Thursday’s meeting in the European Parliament was a pretext for ruthless and unfounded attacks on Poland, which were in no way opposed by the participating Polish MEPs (Ewa Kopacz, Elżbieta Łukacijewska, Sylwia Spurek, Robert Biedroń) and NGO representatives. From the mouth of one of the members of the European Parliament–Predrag Matić from Croatia–there were even words insulting to all Poles, that “Poland is an embarrassment at the moment in the European Union” and “a member state that literally kills women.”

It should also be noted that the only voice of reason among the baseless accusations and slanders directed toward our country was a statement by Spanish MEP Margarita de la Pisa Carrión, who, among other things, raised the very important issue that circles presenting themselves as pro-women only want to introduce abortion (including the killing of female babies) and offer no help to mothers. This statement also reflects the Polish reality very well–none of the organizations fighting for the legalization of murder in the prenatal stage are engaged in activities aimed at providing mothers in difficult pregnancy situations with comprehensive support, so that they would not be afraid and strive to escape motherhood.

Katarzyna Gęsiak, Director of the Center for Medical Law and Bioethics at the Ordo Iuris Institute.

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