NYC Health Department sparks controversy with decision to change regulations for handling of remains of aborted babies

The New York City Department of Health (NYC Health) has decided to do away with regulations for the handling of aborted babies who were at or beyond 24 weeks of gestation. The unanimous decision will permit abortion facilities to handle the disposition of the remains as they see fit, which has sparked significant backlash from opponents.

The outmoded requirements had dictated that aborted babies at or after 24 weeks gestation should receive a proper burial or cremation to mark their status as human beings. With the recent ruling, however, these babies may be treated as medical waste, igniting discussions about the ethics and human rights concerns surrounding such a move.

The department’s contentious proposal expresses that disposition as human remains will remain an option for those who request it. Nonetheless, those opposing the regulations’ scrapping have criticized the decision fiercely, stating it not only undermines the sanctity of life but also potentially conceals the harsh realities of the abortion process.

This is an attempt to dehumanize preborn children and it is based on an erroneous belief that these babies are not humans. The handling of these remains should be aligned with procedures for deceased individuals, thereby treating all human life with equal respect and dignity. While NYC Health argues that such requirements are costly, burdensome, and traumatizing, their detractors insist that every life deserves respect.

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