NFL Star Rejects Abortion, Gay ‘Marriage’

Liberals have smeared the star by calling him an "Uncle Tom" in response to his comments.

News reports across the world extensively covered comments of former NFL star Jack Brewer when he referred to President Donald Trump as America’s “first black president.” The comments, which roiled leftist media personalities and activists, came in a White House meeting that Trump had called to talk with prominent black leaders about his efforts to improve conditions for African Americans. Less widely reported, however, were comments that Brewer made in media interviews where he expressed his fervent opposition to abortion and rejected the concept of same-sex ‘marriage.’

In a Fox News Channel interview following the White House meeting, Brewer told host Laura Ingraham, “I take the high road and I am a man of God. I know that in this nation there have been over 20 million black babies aborted and we’ve completely changed and went against the bible and changed what the constitution of marriage means. I stand against that, Laura, adamantly.”

In response to his comments about President Trump, liberal media commentators called Brewer, and other black leaders in attendance at the meeting, “Uncle Toms.” Brewer strongly pushed back against that characterization and challenged the commentators to talk about their own work to help the black community and compare it to Brewer’s record. Programs that Brewer established and funds with his personal resources feed over 15,000 poor black children every day. He also has been instrumental in establishing hospitals in America and around the world.

Brewer was an All-American football player in college and played for five seasons in the National Football League. Following his football career, Brewer became a successful businessman and philanthropist. He was a strong supporter of Democrat President Barrack Obama but later soured on the Democrat party because of negative outcomes of their policies for the black community. This is significant in the upcoming US presidential election because the Democrats are relying on near universal support of the Democrat nominee in order to defeat President Trump. For his part, Trump is actively courting African American voters, touting a historic rise in job opportunities for blacks, corresponding reduction in unemployment and a historic criminal justice reform agenda that will reduce incarceration of black Americans.

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