Major pro-life organization endorses Donald Trump for Republican Presidential nominee

"Donald Trump Signs The Pledge" by Michael Vadon is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

National Right to Life, a major pro-life organization encompassing 50 chapters and millions of members, has officially endorsed Donald Trump in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. The group cited Trump’s historic actions on behalf of unborn children and their mothers during his first term as evidence of his commitment to the pro-life cause.

The endorsement praises Trump’s demonstrated leadership from his administration’s policies to the appointment of judges who interpret the Constitution based on its original text and history. Some highlights from his first term include his reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy, his support for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and his opposition to the Women’s Health Protection Act, which aimed to enshrine unlimited abortion in federal law.

The pro-life group Operation Rescue also voiced its support for Trump, asserting that he had accomplished more to protect unborn babies from abortion than any other president in American history, and urged other pro-life organizations to follow suit.

In contrast with Trump’s unwavering pro-life stance, incumbent President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris drew criticism for their relentless effort to expand access to abortion across the nation. If re-elected, Biden’s top priority is restoring Roe, the landmark Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in the United States. Biden refers to abortion as necessary healthcare for women, a position that serves as a stark contrast to Trump’s viewpoint.

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