James Lindsay: the sexualization of our children is a Marxist strategy to destabilize society

Author and commentator James Lindsay says in public what radical LGBT activists do not want you to know: that they are really Marxists who want to destabilize society so a communist utopia can be built upon its ruins.

Last updated on May 9th, 2022 at 11:51 am

Social commentator James Lindsay, author of the books Race Marxism and Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why this Harms Everyone, is committed to boldly calling out the nefarious motives of woke gender and race activists. In an interview with Epoch TV on April 24, 2022, he bluntly states why the left is pushing the sexualization of our children: to destabilize society.

Lindsay starts the interview by noting the grooming policies being pushed by media giants like Disney. He states that of late Disney:

“has been doubling down into this [sexualization of children], with videos being released of their executives stating that their goal is to expose children to as much flagrantly LGBTQ material and information as possible, almost deliberately grooming them to see that it is not just maybe normal but also favored, special, and so the end goal of that of course is to soften children up, to get them to be more accepting of the gender and sexual instruction that is going on in the school and that is kind of inundating them from all angles.”

But what is the real goal of the sexualization of children? Lindsay declares:

“For those people who know much about Marxism, they know that this is a deliberate program that Marxists have employed, since at least the 1910’s starting in Hungary, to try to sexualize children, to cause sexual and gender confusion, so that they become political activists on behalf of some other agenda.”

Lindsay notes that Hungarian Marxist Gyorgy Lukács, deputy commissar of education in the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic (March-August 1919), immediately tried to sexualize children in an effort to destabilize Hungary and make it more pliable to Marxist doctrine. Lindsay states:

“He [Lukács] sexualized the children of Hungary in order to separate them from their families, to separate them from their religion, their nation and their culture, essentially getting children kind of all into these ideas so that when they would go home they would tell their parents, you know, things have changed or that the Bible is wrong or our religion is wrong, our traditions are wrong, they’re oppressed people like me. You don’t understand, everything is different now. [The goal is] to get one generation to separate from another.”

Since Lukács, Marxists have continued to try to indoctrinate youth in radical sexual ideology in the hope of destabilizing Western societies so Marxism can have a chance to triumph. The main sexual battering ram of these cultural Marxists today is transgenderism, the idea that gender is “fluid” and can be changed at will. However, the goal of modern Marxists is the same: destabilize society. Lindsay writes:

“What they want to do in the West is they want to create destabilization, they want to create a fertile breeding ground for activists. They don’t particularly care one way or the other what children’s sexualities or genders are. When we get up to the higher levels of the people implementing these kinds of programs and pushing them, it is not a concern whatsoever and when they get the destabilization and the basis of activists they are looking for, that achieves their goals…[T]he purpose is actually to weaken and destabilize in the short term so that power can be seized.”

So there you have it. Author and commentator James Lindsay says in public what radical LGBT activists do not want you to know: that they are really Marxists who want to destabilize society so a communist utopia can be built upon its ruins. And we all know how that “utopia” turned out in practice in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, North Korea, and elsewhere: over 100 million people killed and more imprisoned, tortured, and otherwise silenced. Let’s hope that people heed Lindsay’s warnings and stop these radical LGBT activists from indoctrinating our children in an effort to destroy our countries.

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