J.K. Rowling, once again, stands up to the radical transgender hatemongers

The LGBT+ vanguard has essentially empowered men like Crispin Blunt to bully women like Lisa Townshend. But the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner is having none of it. And Rowling is joining her on the front line in the latest transgender row geared towards keeping women quiet on women's issues.

J.K. Rowling is an unwavering defender of womanhood who fearlessly takes on the misogynist hatemongers trying to force the radical transgender agenda down our throats. And she has once again stepped into the breach to defend a woman who was attacked for defending womanhood.

In an August 2021 piece in Britain’s Daily Mail, Surrey Police & Crime Commissioner and Conservative Party member Lisa Townshend came out against the “dangerous transgender ideology that threatens the safety of our women and girls”. Townshend continued, “everybody has told me not to speak-out about this, that the debate is incendiary, but if women like me can’t or don’t speak up who will?”

After seeing the article, fellow Conservative Party member and Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global LGBT+ Rights Crispin Blunt contacted Townshend and told her she was being transphobic. (The “Conservative” Party, the less radical of the two political parties in Britain, is actually to the left of the American Democratic Party on many issues.)

Townshend replied: “I said for me it wasn’t a trans issue. It was a women’s rights issue and it was about protecting female space while also making sure the trans community also have all the support they need. I thought, by the end of the call, we agreed to disagree. I said: ‘Crispin, you take one view, that’s perfectly OK. I take another. As a party, we’re a broad church. There are people on both sides of this issue and we’ve taken different sides, that’s all.’”

Then in December 2021 Townshend retweeted a post of Rowling’s that stated: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.” (Rowling tweeted this after police in Scotland stated they would classify a biological male rapist as a woman if he identified as one.) In the retweet, Townsend wrote: “It’s not a ‘niche’ issue, it’s not ‘hysterical’ of women to be taking to the streets about it. We will not accept this gaslighting from men who keep telling us they are women, or from those who enable them. #IStandWithJKRowling

Blunt then contacted Townshend again and demanded she stop being transphobic. Townshend replied:

“Crispin, I’m going to be honest. I’m getting a little bit fed up with middle-aged men telling me I can’t speak about what, for me, is a women’s rights issue and is something constituents are writing to me about.”

After Townsend’s refusal to back down, MP Blunt (and two other men supporting the radical transgender agenda) filed official complaints with the Surrey police and crime panel’s sub-committee on complaints alleging that Townshend had been transphobic in her retweet of Rowling’s post. On March 8, 2022, the panel notified Townsend that she had not been “dignified or respectful” to the transgendered in her actions and ordered her to explain her position to the three complainants.

In response to the ruling, Townshend declared: “For goodness sake, saying that my words as a woman are disrespectful because I’ve chosen to stand up for women who have been raped and telling me I have to explain myself to three men, particularly a male MP from my own party, who’ve complained about my language, is ridiculous. It’s not the fact that these men, or anybody, think I’m wrong—they’re all perfectly entitled to think I’m stark raving mad, quite frankly—it’s the cancelling of a woman’s voice on an issue that really troubles a lot of women… and men.”

J.K. Rowling agreed with Townshend’s assessment and boldly supported her. On March 12, 2022, Rowling tweeted:

“I don’t think our politicians have the slightest idea how much anger is building among women from all walks of life at the attempts to threaten and intimidate them out of speaking publicly about their own rights, their own bodies and their own lives… Among the thousands of letters and emails I’ve received are disillusioned members of Labour, the Greens, the Lib Dems and the SNP. Women are scared, outraged and angry at the deaf ear turned to their well-founded concerns. But women are organizing… But I repeat: women are organising across party lines, and their resolve and their anger are growing.”

No doubt the radical transgender hatemongers will come down hard on Rowling for these comments as they have in the past. But since their past attempts to silence Rowling have only emboldened her, no doubt these new attacks will likewise backfire in their objective.

Once again, Harry Potter author and feminist J.K. Rowling has entered the transgender debate to defend the concept of womanhood and fearlessly stand up to the radical transgender bullies who are trying to silence anyone who dares to contradict them. Let’s hope that more people in Britain and the West will take courage from Rowling and Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townshend and likewise stand up for sanity and defend our women.

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