Italian parents rise against new gender ideology course in schools

Overcoming sexual binarism and Career Aliases are some of the themes within the ideological wave that wants to impose the theories of the LGBTQ agenda in schools.

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This is the opinion of Giusy D’Amico, president of the association Non Si Tocca La Famiglia (Don’t Touch the Family) on the government’s sponsorship of a course called Alias Career (Italian: Carriera Alias) in Lombardy.

“The Ministry of Labor and the Regional School Office for Lombardy have endorsed a course fully imbued with gender ideology and aimed at teachers in secondary schools, grammar schools and other middle schools in Brescia. “Overcoming sexual binarism and Career Aliases–a protocol that is absolutely illicit from a legal point of view–are some of the themes within the ideological wave that wants to impose the theories of the LGBTQ agenda in schools,” said Giusy D’Amico, president of Non Si Tocca la Famiglia, an association that has long been committed to opposing these initiatives in the action of safeguarding students and families. “Precisely on the issue of Career Alias we have open talks with Education Minister Valditara because we want these issues to be addressed without ideological and instrumental positions that influence students,” continued D’Amico.

“The government must withdraw the Ministry of Labor’s sponsorship of this course as soon as possible. Together with CitizenGO, we have delivered to the Ministry of Education and Merit over 50,000 signatures of parents and families saying NO to Career Alias and submitted a European Manifesto Appeal to inform the unsuspecting or distracted persons of what has already made resounding steps backward on self-identification in Europe. We cannot endorse schools to engage in such propaganda and call for social transition in such a tumultuous period as adolescence, a time of growth already immersed in a natural transition that should only be accompanied and not pandered to with false promises of freedom and self-determination,” concluded D’Amico, president of Non Si Tocca La Famiglia.

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