The radical rules of the race-baiters

Divide. Then conquer. Marxists are playing it to a "t", using race as their trump card. But we see right through their twisted game. And their rules would be laughable, if not for the fact that it's steamrolling us to destruction.

In their quest to advance “diversity,” “inclusion,” “anti-racism,” and other shibboleths, radical race demagogues have created a series of unwritten “rules” regarding race and ethnicity that can appear incomprehensible at first but are actually rather simple once you take the time to analyze them. I have put together a list of these “rules” to help the uninitiated navigate the often treacherous waters of race and ethnicity in America and the West today.

Rule #1: If minorities are not proportionally represented in companies, boards of directors, universities, television shows, or movies, and do not proportionally win government contracts, Emmys, Oscars, etc., they are being discriminated against. Period. Individual merit and competence are irrelevant; group representation is all that matters. The recent cries by radical leftists that minorities did not win any major awards at the Emmys is just the latest example of this. (The hashtag #EmmySoWhite trending among the Left.) It could not possibly be because the actors who actually won Emmys were better.

Rule #2: In order to achieve proportional racial/ethnic representation in every field, active racism and discrimination must be deployed against the majority population. Racial and ethnic minorities must be hired, promoted, given contracts and awards, admitted to universities, etc., not based on their merit or character but solely because of their skin color or ethnic background, to achieve proportional representation. Significantly, to hide the fact that active racism and discrimination are occurring, more benign terms such as “affirmative action,” “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion” must be used to describe this process. This rule was most blatantly applied by the English Touring Opera in its recent decision to let go almost half of its orchestra in order to increase “diversity.” (Needless to say, all the people terminated where White.) Likewise, the NASDAQ stock market applied this rule in now requiring all corporations on its exchange to have at least 2 minorities on their boards.

Rule #3: If certain nondiscriminatory standards (i.e., academic tests like the SAT, job tests, etc.) are preventing minorities from achieving proportional representation, the test must be “racist” and need to be abolished. This rule was recently applied in Oregon, where state standards for high school graduation (requiring such things as basic competence in reading, writing, and math) were considered racist and suspended because “not enough” minorities were satisfying them. Likewise, prestigious public high schools in northern Virginia and Boston that had required competence-based entrance exams scrapped the tests because too many Asians and Whites, and not enough Blacks and Hispanics, were being admitted via the tests.

Rule #4: America and the West are to be considered irredeemable racist and this “fact” is to be taught in our schools so as to indoctrinate our children. Thousands of schools across America now require that critical race theory and the 1619 Project—both of which present America as a nation founded on racism—be taught to students. Indeed, the 1619 Project, whose facts and premises have been debunked by historians, is being taught in almost 5,000 schools across the nation.

Rule #5: If certain groups of minorities are overachieving, they are not to be considered “minorities.” For example, Americans of Asian or Jewish background, who actually outperform the majority population in terms of academic achievement and average level of income, are not to be counted as minorities. Indeed, these people may be actively discriminated against just like the majority population, as Asian-American and Jewish students are today in regard to university admissions.

Rule #6: If “true” minorities are overrepresented in a field, this fact is to be ignored. Both the NFL and the NBA are almost 70% Black, yet no one is calling for proportional representation in these sports. Likewise, no one is calling for the integration of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Rule #7: Members of minority groups can freely issue racial slurs and engage in other attacks against the majority population without consequence. According to race idealogues, since “racism equals racial animus plus power” and minorities are considered “powerless,” by definition minorities cannot be racist no matter their actions. Thus, the New York Times in 2018 still promoted Sarah Jeong to its editorial board despite tweets like, “Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like grovelling goblins,” and “Oh man its kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men”, and using the hashtag “#CancelWhitePeople.” Needless to say, had a white person said those things against a minority group the promotion would have been canceled.

Rule #8: In advertising, television shows, and movies, minorities are now to be overrepresented. Forget about proportionality; overrepresentation is now the norm. One study in Britain found that Black people were featured in almost 40% of advertisements despite comprising only 3% of the British population. Another study found that in the United States black actors were overrepresented by 40% in total cast diversity on television shows.

So there you have it: the unwritten rules of the race industry finally put into writing. It is my hope that by putting these rules down to paper you will be better able to survive in the unforgiving waters of identity politics and political correctness. Better yet, by disseminating these rules, perhaps we can work to change them so that individual merit and character–rather than skin color or ethnicity–will be the “rule” of the land.

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