How the transgender movement is perverting our language

Fact: It is simply impossible for one to change their biological sex, no matter what a person believes. Yet, here we are as a culture.

The radical transgender agenda, especially its proposition that a biological man can literally “become” a woman (and vice versa) by merely stating so, is anti-reason and anti-science. There are over 6,000 physical differences between biological males and biological females and surgery and dress can affect only the most superficial of these. Indeed, a person’s sex is literally “baked” into his body, as each biological male cell has an XY sex chromosome pairing and each biological female cell has an XX sex chromosome pairing. It is simply impossible for a biological male to become a female, no matter what a person believes.

While many sane commentators point out the irrationality and anti-science aspects of the radical transgender movement, they all too often adopt the language of the transgender movement. For example, in many articles critical of Lia Thomas, a biological male “identifying” as a “female” who is being allowed to participate on a college women’s swim team and is now dominating the world of female swimming, still referred to Thomas as “she,” ignoring the fact that Thomas is still a biological male. Likewise, many opponents of the radical transgender agenda refer to biological males “identifying” as women as “transgender women,” rather calling them what they really are: males. In addition, many otherwise sane commentators refer to “straight” people using the made-up pro-transgender term “cisgenderded” and refer to the normal sexual environment that has dominated mammalian species since their first appearance on the earth using the pro-transgender term “hetero-normativity.” And many commentators critical of radical transgenderism, instead of using the word “sex” when referring to males and females, use the term “gender,” which has been perverted by radical transgender activists to force down our throats the concept that one’s “gender identity” can be different from one’s “sex.”

British pro-sanity activist Kellie-Jay Keen, in a press conference on March 15, 2022, in front of the White House, noted this misuse of language that is favoring the radical transgender cause. As reported by Breitbart News, Keen declared:

“You have to take back the language. You cannot, cannot, ever use the language of trans activism and give it any validation whatsoever. Because that is the thing — if you can’t speak about what’s happening to women, if the word “woman” no longer means “woman,” and it means anyone who identifies as a woman, then you are in really dangerous territory.”

Keen then noted how even Republicans otherwise critical of the radical transgender movement still used the terms of the movement:

“I went to speak to staffers on this yesterday, and it’s just really interesting that even in polite circles, even in polite Republican circles, they are using the words like ‘trans,’ ‘transwoman,’ ‘transgender,’ as if those people are genuinely a different category of human [from male or female]…But once you say “she” for a man, or “transwoman” for a man, you lose the ability to be able to speak clearly about what it is and where that man is welcome.”

As Confucius said over 2,000 years ago: “The beginning of wisdom is the ability to call things by their right names.” British activist Kellie-Jay Keen all too well knows this truth, which is why she is urging all people to use the proper words to refer to things. Thus “man” should be used instead of “transgender woman” when referring to a biological male, “he” should be used to refer to a biological man and “she” to refer to a biological woman, and “heterosexual” should be used rather than “cisgendered” when referring to people who adhere to the normal sexual dynamic. Let’s hope that more sane people listen to Keen so once again words are used to refer to the truth.

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