Here’s to 2021; a record-breaking pro-life year

A cause to celebrate, though the world's abortion figures still outpace any and all other causes of human mortality.

Guttmacher Institute

Let’s open a bottle of the good one right away. No, not for the umpteenth, rhetorical toast to the beginning of the year, but to the title that stands out on the website of the Guttmacher Institute, the “scientific” fig leaf of Planned Parenthood, the most famous and infamous abortion provider in the world. This website actually writes that 2021 was the worst year in the last half a century in terms of abortion freedom in the USA. That is, they say that in 2021, more laws were passed to restrict abortion than in any other year since 1973, when, on January 22, the federal Supreme Court made a decision in the case Jane Roe et al. v. Henry Wade, District Attorney of Dallas County, commonly referred to as Roe v. Wade, declaring abortion not illegal throughout the country.

In fact, according to Guttmacher, as of 1 December 2021 there have been as many as 106 restrictions approved in 19 different US states, starting with Texas’ well-deserved life-saving law. It’s something that still makes the Institute wince with a headline worthy of another toast: for the first time ever in the United States, more than 100 pro-life bills were passed in a single calendar year.

Let’s really uncork that bottle then, and pour ourself a nice glass. The children who escaped the massacre in 2021 deserve it.

There would be numerous considerations in this regard. It will be done quietly and thoughtfully. But at least one element immediately jumps out at you.

In other words, the violent offensive in favor of abortion understood as a “right”, of which the Biden Administration has made a categorical imperative, has produced the roundest heterogony of ends. And the long wave of four years of the Trump Administration spent defending the right to life continues to have important effects. No sophistry, no parallel convergence of political reasoning will ever be able to overshadow this fact; an unequivocal fact to which all should bow. And some even beat their chest.

And they should beat it very hard, since the great success of the pro-life movement of 2021 in the USA has not yet succeeded in undermining the mammoth blood toll of worldwide abortion, which, at midday on 31 December, in the most pro-life year of the last half a century of US history (as documented by the Worldometer reliability sample statistics site) amounted to the monstrous figure of 42.6 million abortions scattered throughout the planet. That, compared to 8.2 million deaths in the world from cancer, 5 million due to smoking, 1.7 million to AIDS, 1.3 million to traffic accidents, 1 million to suicide, and 3.5 million to the baboon of our times, COVID-19.

But then, this is not the news that excites New Year’s Eve speeches, sermons, commentaries, and talk shows.

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