Saturday, January 22, “iFamNews” turned two years old. Two years of friendship with you, reader. Two years of good battle, satisfaction, and yes, even a few defeats. All with you by our side; always throwing our hearts over the hurdle.

Two years for an information portal like ours means a coming of age. This is why we wanted to reward your desire for beauty and truth by renewing ourselves, profoundly.
Since Friday, January 21, we have started the publication of the Polish version of “iFamNews”; a great effort that we have been preparing for months and that will allow a direct contact with the great Polish pro-life and pro-family world. One more ally, that is, for our mission–and one more source of information for you, along with the important English, French, German, Spanish, Serbian and Russian editions you already know.
We expect a lot from this new joint venture.
As for our portal, you may have noticed the change taking place for a few days now. In fact, there is more news, more real-time information, more commentary, and more useful materials to defend the right to life, the natural family, and the authentic freedoms of the individual from the assaults of today’s prevailing “culture of death.”
It is a great effort, made possible by your help as a reader and your friendship as a supporter, for which I want to thank first of all the editors and collaborators of “iFamNews”, the colleagues of the foreign editorial offices, and therefore the publisher.
The new “iFamNews” will finally be able to make a serious impact on the daily information battle, to rebut the stylistic trappings of the woke culture, to return to sender the lies of the cancel cultures, to counteract the fake news and to propose a constructive alternative of freedom to all those who, like you and me, care about the good of themselves, their families, their loved ones, their communities.
There will also be greater integration between the various editorial staffs of “iFamNews”, so that we and our colleagues will be able to find international news and details that you can’t find anywhere else.
Thank you for reading us with passion, and for supporting us faithfully. Don’t stop doing this right now when we are improving. In fact, alert all your friends and contacts. We’ve been your source for two years. And with you, we’ll have a hundred more!
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