Freemasonry and globalism: two twinned realities

We are already submerged in the clutches of progressive globalism, which is leading us towards cultural and national agony, where the end of Christianity is one of its main objectives.

Globalism is often confused with globalization, but these are two opposing concepts.

Globalization has taken shape in a spontaneous way, bringing together people from all over the world, especially with the advance of new technologies and transportation. It implies freedom and respect for national identities resulting from centuries of coexistence. It promotes the development of freedom, democracy and capitalism on a planetary scale. Globalization is not incompatible with nation states; on the contrary, it generates greater economic growth.

Globalism, however, seeks a collectivization of the masses in a sort of “totalizing” way. International organizations, especially visible in the UN, impose ideological dogmas on everyone, such as the obligation of quotas for aid to refugees and immigrants, indoctrination in the gender ideology, encouraging more abortions…

Globalism is anti-nation-state. It is a design of radical socialism. It is an ideology contrary to nationalism and patriotism. George Soros is one of the main promoters of globalism, as its most visible head, along with other relevant characters that have begun to be more visible in the last two years. Such could be the case of Klaus Martin Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, which discussed the steps to be taken in the member states to achieve the goals of globalism. In fact, WEF members do not hide their agenda: “The WEF advocates a globalized world governed by a coalition of multinational corporations, governments and selected civil society organizations in place of classical democratic structures.” This is what, as we all know, the Great Reset is all about.

In Spain, in particular, it is well known that George Soros is financing Catalan independence. Their dream is a nation fragmented into mini-nations with weak societies which makes it easier for the globalist elites to control its population, politicians, companies, businesses, and, therefore, its economy.

For former Brazilian foreign minister Ernesto Araújo, globalism is a “current configuration of Marxism”. In his inauguration speech he stated that “globalism is constituted by hatred through its various ideological ramifications and its instruments contrary to the nation, contrary to human nature and contrary to human birth itself”.

In fact, as we can see, with globalism, violent confrontations between groups or collectives increase, gender is presented as a substitute for natural sexual identity, abortion is normalized by attacking pro-life people, the confrontation against men increases…

The current problem is that globalization, which is beneficial, has been put at the service of collectivist globalism to feed this evil that will eventually destroy us.
We know this globalism today under the term Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Globalism and Freemasonry

According to Freemasonry expert Alberto Bárcena, since its origins in 1717, Freemasonry has been seeking a new world that they can lead with a single government, to economically control as many countries as possible, benefiting from almost unlimited power. On the other hand, they will thus be able to spread their ideological creed, Gnosticism, throughout the world. This is why globalism is driven by these Masonic elites.

For the late Father Juan Sanahuja, an expert in these matters, the plans for world government, in which Freemasonry plays an important role, date back to the end of World War I or perhaps a little earlier. Freemasonry supports the entry of massive illegal immigration for this purpose, pushing society towards cultural and religious syncretism. Uprooting the nation from its traditions and customs, closing doors to everything that unites us as a country: the Christian religion and the Spanish language. Opening borders to anyone coming from outside, especially Muslims. All of this is used for this globalizing objective.

Freemasonry uses screen organizations for altruistic and philanthropic purposes in academic, social, economic, scientific and even religious fields, through which it introduces its ideas. It allies itself with the interests of people who, blinded by their lust for power, do not hesitate to put their resources at its service. Such could be the case of Pedro Sanchez, President of the Spanish Government, who kneels before their dictates.

For all these reasons, Freemasonry promotes globalism, erected under the banner of “progressivism” of those who ask for freedom, but live under the ideology of the State, those who ask for tolerance but attack with their neo-language anyone who dissents. And in turn, those who support globalism with the aim of implementing the New World Order, a controlling global government, rely on Freemasonry to give a channel to their claims.

We are already immersed in the clutches of progressive globalism, which is leading us towards cultural and national agony, where the end of Christianity is one of its main objectives, towards which they are moving step by step.

However, in spite of this hopeless outlook, there are many people who are trying to stop this ideological advance by awakening people’s consciences. Such could be the case of the group of collectives and associations in Spain that have united to demonstrate their repudiation of globalism. With the slogan of the YELLOW MANIFESTO, they raise their voices by displaying yellow banners in the streets of different cities in Spain.

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