France: the “pregnant” man who can therefore have an abortion

For "Le planning familial" it is as easy as that. Because a man is only a person "born with a vagina who identifies himself as a man."

"Le planning familial"

From the Facebook profile of "Le planning familial"

What differentiates progressives is a different degree of knowledge, in the gnostic sense of the term. Indeed, they always seem to anticipate something more, heedless of the fact that their version of reality, to ordinary people, may not turn out to be true. Still unknown is the possibility for men to conceive a child in their own “father’s womb”? Here comes “Le planning familial” in France.

It calls itself a “feminist and family education movement.” It “fights for the right to sexuality education, contraception, abortion, and equal rights for women and men.” It obviously “combats all forms of violence and discrimination.” And it takes it upon itself to inform the world that the goal of a man conceiving a child in his own “womb” is absolutely within everyone’s reach, so much so that it illustrates the event with a little drawing spread on social media profiles, where, what’s more, they admit that “man” means a transgender person “born with a vulva, vagina, uterus, who identifies himself as a man”.

From the Facebook profile of “Le planning familial”

The good thing, or rather the bad thing is that the French Minister of Equal Opportunity, Isabelle Rome, praises the activities of there propagandists of lies and supports them because she considers them to be an “essential historical association for women’s rights, and for access to contraception and voluntary termination of pregnancy.”

This is not the first time that the distorted desire to rape human nature by disrupting its orderly functioning has been affirmed. Internationally, newspapers regularly report cases of monstrous experimentation, never, however, that we are aware of, with public funding, which is something that “Le planning familial” can boast of, although it complains about a campaign by the French far right tending to deprive the group of state funds.

In fact, the most vocal against the denial of the biological fact seem to be feminists themselves, who are now being targeted by trans and queer activists with improper remarks and by being labelled “TERFs,” an acronym for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist”–something along the lines of what is happening to British writer J.K. Rowling.

Only here we also have a terrible paradox: repentant males might turn to “Le planning familial” not only to get “pregnant,” but especially for the murderous lust to kill a human being. Equality at all cost costs too much. It is precisely in pursuit of a utopia that the worst crimes have been committed in history.

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