Demonic statues erected in New York City

Artist admits statue is an ode to abortion, Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Two grotesque statues were put on display in New York City on January 25th; one on top of the roof of the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court, and the other in close-by Madison Square Park.

The statues depict a scantily clad woman with curled horns on her head. The demonic nature of these statues is clear, as the sculptor, Shahzia Sikander, has publicly stated that these statues are in support of abortion “rights” and an ode to former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a strong proponent of these so called “rights”.

Even if these statues were not so overtly demonic in appearance, in principle they would remain a symbol of the Devil’s hold upon this world through the continued murder of unborn children. Their appearance only solidifies any feeling of evil at work in our world today.

Many conservative and pro-life leaders, disgusted at this brazen acceptance of evil, voiced their concerns on social media.

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