Democrats’ Party Platform an Attack on Families

The Democrat Party Convention is the unofficial launch of an unprecedented attack on the family, and family values.

The Democrat National Convention is underway this week in a virtual gathering that will culminate in the formal selection of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the nominees of the Democrat party for President and Vice President, respectively. While not stated directly, the convention also is the unofficial launch of an unprecedented attack on the family, and family values.

The political left has completely captured the Democrat party and the two individuals who head their ticket reflect this fact. Their embrace of secular radicalism will result in policies that will further erode and destabilize the family, undercut and marginalize traditional family values and send the nation on a dangerous path toward extremism that will result in lasting damage to the country, and the world.

The official Democrat party platform is a manifesto to Orwellian social engineering. The Democrats favor universal access to abortion, at taxpayer expense. They promise full and further taxpayer funding of abortion clinics such as Planned Parenthood. They are determined to overturn all state laws which serve as a check on abortion, such as parental consent provisions and informed consent laws. They would formally enact Roe v Wade as a federal statute. They pledge to repeal the Mexico City policy that prevents federal funding from going to international nonprofit groups that promote or perform abortion. They promise to restore and expand funding to the United Nations Population Fund which promotes abortion around the world. The platform represents a full embrace of the abortion-on-demand radicals.

As bad as the abortion provisions of the Democrats’ platform are, they pale in comparison to their embrace of the extreme LGBT agenda. They pledge to enact the so-called Equality Act which among other things imposes transgender ideology on the nation. Joe Biden has said his top legislative priority is enacting this law. The Democrats pledge to ensure that all people have access to intimate facilities such as showers and changing rooms based on “gender identity.” They would promote biological males competing in sports contests against girls. They promise gender reassignment surgeries at taxpayer expense, and hormone therapies for those seeking to “change” their gender. They pledge to guarantee that LGBT people are included in all foster family and adoption services, including those that are faith based. They pledge more taxpayer resources to ensure LGBT people are reached through government surveys such as the Census. They will make it easier for foreign LGBT people to immigrate to America. They will redefine the term “sex” in federal law to mean “gender identity,” thus resulting in a flood of discrimination claims against people of faith. They pledge to enact the GLOBE Act which redirects US foreign policy to advocate for LGBT “rights” around the world, and they pledge to fill the upper ranks of the State Department, USAID and the National Security Council with pro-LGBT advocates.

The Democrat party platform also commits them to a full embrace of public teacher unions who have a stranglehold on America’s public school system. They pledge to reduce charter schools and their big government approach to education will wreak havoc with home schooling as well.

The Democrats also outline a cradle-to-grave socialism platform including universal preschool, child care subsidies, housing assistance, paid family leave, government guaranteed health care and the cancellation of most all student debt.

There’s one thing the Democrats did not include in their platform: religious liberty. In fact, the only mention of religion in the entire platform is an admonishment that the Democrats will never allow religion to be used as a tool for discrimination.

This is a platform that would not be recognizable to the Joe Biden of several years ago. It is radical, extreme and risky, threatening America’s way of life and standing in the world. But it is a platform that Joe Biden will enthusiastically endorse because his party has been taken over by radicals. He needs their help to defeat Donald Trump.

Let us all pray that the radical ideas embraced by the Democrats’ party platform will never see the light of day. We must work hard to ensure they don’t because they are bad for families, bad for America and bad for the world.

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