Protecting life on campuses and in streets – an interview with ProLife Europe by Johann R. Porter February 18, 2021 0 699 Education and action for life at every European university, that is the vision of ProLife Europe. Press spokeswoman Clara Auersperg...
Dutch doctors allowed to secretly sedate people before killing them by Johann R. Porter February 11, 2021 0 323 Further, "it is not necessary for the physician to agree with the patient on the time or manner of euthanasia,"...
Pro-life professor to lose job, fights back against ‘cancel culture’ with open letter by Johann R. Porter February 10, 2021 0 1.4k In Münster, a professor should lose his job, wish "critical physicians" (sic!) and the AStA there. Not because of his...
As Portugal legalizes euthanasia, strong condemnation by Portuguese bishops by Johann R. Porter February 10, 2021 0 208 Portugal would be the fourth EU country to allow active killing. Portuguese bishops strongly condemned parliamentary decision, hope rests on...
Study proves children in the womb already recognize faces by Johann R. Porter February 5, 2021 0 1.1k A study proves the prenatal predisposition to recognize people. Indication of already high stage of development of prenatal life.
Prestigious medical journal promotes gender ideology by Johann R. Porter February 3, 2021 0 260 "Gender assignments on birth certificates offer no clinical benefit," the article's authors assert.
Infiltration of the entertainment industry: 10% of all series characters in 2021 are LGBT+ by Johann R. Porter December 29, 2020 0 549 The LGBT lobby's march through entertainment media continues. In 2020, it was still 8.8% LGBT characters.