High-ranking Spanish official denounced for promoting sexting among 14-year-olds by iFamNews Spain May 10, 2023 0 608 A published guide recommends the use of tools to share images of sexual content inciting minors to this practice, and...
Spain: Equality campaign with explicit images of women having sex by iFamNews Spain April 26, 2023 0 14.6k The ad campaign constitutes unlawful advertising and contains explicit sex references, in violation of two laws.
Political leadership course for young people by iFamNews Spain April 21, 2023 0 792 Don't miss this course from the Political Network for Values, an international platform of politicians who promote and defend life,...
New offense to Christians: Scandalous poster on Spanish bus stops by iFamNews Spain March 18, 2023 0 854 "It is intolerable that they appeal to freedom of expression to insult and vex Christians and offend our beliefs."
Charges filed against Spanish senator for attacking Christians and tearing down crosses by iFamNews Spain March 3, 2023 0 1.7k Attacks on Christian symbols continue in Spain.
Twitter user desecrates a hermitage, advertises it as a cruising area for homosexuals by iFamNews Spain March 2, 2023 0 511 Christians are tired of the continuous attacks always by the same groups. We only ask for the same respect that...
Spanish Foundation calls for a halt to the demolition of religious monuments by iFamNews Spain February 23, 2023 0 333 "The only purpose of this catalog is to persecute and eliminate Christian symbols, violating the right to religious freedom enshrined...
Christian Lawyers denounces pro-abortion nurse posing as gynecologist by iFamNews Spain February 5, 2023 0 920 The PSOE granted important subsidies to this nurse pretending to be a gynecologist, who is also on their lists.
Spain: Complaint against two officials over “chemsex” app by iFamNews Spain January 8, 2023 0 1.5k Encouraging minors to use drugs by a public administration may constitute a crime and may lead to the disqualification of...
Justice reopens case against Diputación de Cáceres (Spain) for demolition of crosses by iFamNews Spain January 6, 2023 0 14.7k REMITTED. The president of Christian Lawyers, Polonia Castellanos, celebrates that "justice is investigating the case". He asks that "all demolitions...