All House Democrats vote to force gay marriage on U.S

Under this act, the federal government—just like the Supreme Court—would take the issue of homosexual marriage out of the hands of the states where it belongs and instead force all states to recognize a homosexual marriage contracted in any state that allows such type of marriage.

The vote on July 20, 2022m in the U.S. House of Representatives on the Respect for Marriage Act has proven once again that the Democratic Party is 100% behind the radical LGBT agenda and will brook literally no dissent on the issue. This radical act was crafted by Democratic leaders who fear that the U.S. Supreme Court, using the reasons it reversed Roe v. Wade, could in the near future also reverse its 2015 decision in Obergefell that forced homosexual marriage on the entire United States. Indeed, prior to Obergefell, over 50 million people voted to protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman and the overwhelming majority of states had either constitutional amendments or other laws protecting marriage as understood since the beginning of time and as recognized by all major religions.

Under this act, the federal government—just like the Supreme Court—would take the issue of homosexual marriage out of the hands of the states where it belongs and instead force all states to recognize a homosexual marriage contracted in any state that allows such type of marriage. Thus, states that passed laws to protect marriage as the union of solely one man and woman in the wake of Obergefell being overturned would end up having their laws nullified under the act. Why? Because all it would take for two same-sex people to nullify laws in their home state protecting marriage as the union solely of one man and one woman would be for them to get a marriage license in a state like New York that recognizes gay marriage and then under the act their home state would have to recognize it. Once again we have a power grab by radicals who want to prevent democratic debate on the issue and frustrate the will of the people.

What is amazing is that Democratic support for this act in the House of Representatives was totalliterally every single Democrat voted for it. This means that not one Democrat thought the definition of marriage as a union solely between one man and woman—the definition that all countries supported for millennia until ten minutes ago in the West and which is still supported in most other parts of the world—was worth defending. Groupthink domination of the Democratic Party is 100 percent and dissension on the radical LGBT agenda will not be tolerated.

It is time to send a message to the Democratic Party—and the forty-seven Republican radicals who voted with them:  you are out of touch with hundreds of millions of people in the country. Your views are on the radical fringe of public debate. Your authoritarian tendencies will be opposed.

Let’s hope that the Republicans in the Senate will work together to defeat the radical Respect for Marriage Act. With pro-LGBT Republican Susan Collins of Maine already co-sponsoring the bill in the Senate—the only Republican to do so—we must pray that nine more Republicans do not break ranks and give the Democrats the 60 votes they need to move legislation in that chamber.  

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