Act now, here’s how! Mark Levin on freedom and family

Ayn Rand once warned not just of the physical "fumes of factory smokestacks" but of a deeper "pollution" of the "intellectual life". Levin doubles-down with his latest call-to-arms.

Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, who was secretly murdered by the Communists after they seized his country, left this sober warning: “It has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

For over two decades, the International Organization for the Family has been on the forefront of uniting and equipping leaders worldwide to protect and promote the natural family against the rising onslaught of forces determined to destroy it. Working with a coalition of partners and policymakers from many nations, IOF has marshalled a mighty army of influence through global gatherings of our World Congress of Families, while making a real difference with our acclaimed international journal, our work in the United Nations and creation of resources such as our celebrated SDG book, and most recently with the unfolding of our cutting-edge International Family News site, the largest of its kind. Meanwhile, as always, we continue to applaud all who speak out in defense of family and freedom, as Mark Levin does so effectively in his vital new book, American Marxism

In his penetrating analysis of the infiltration of Marxism into nearly every facet of American society, Levin reminds us that Karl Marx’s stated objective was to do away with what he dismissed as merely a transitory bourgeois institution: “Abolition of the family!” And abolition, also, of its supporting structures.

“Marx preached,” writes Levin, that “the existing society must be abolished—its history, families, schools, and religions—which may well require a period of despotism, to cleanse society of existing norms and replace them with the Marxist paradise.” As bizarre as this may sound, Levin proceeds to show the alarming degree to which Marxism has already permeated America’s institutions; often quietly and under the radar.

The purpose of this book is to awaken the millions of patriotic Americans, who love their country, freedom, and family, to the reality of Marxism’s rapidly spreading influence throughout our nation. What is occurring in our country is not a temporary fad or passing event. American Marxism exists, it is here and now, and indeed it is pervasive, and its multitude of hybrid but often interlocking movements are actively working to destroy our society and culture, and overthrow the country as we know it.

It is late in the game, says Levin, but not too late—if we act now.

American Marxism has made great progress toward instituting its goals over the last several years. If it is to be defeated, as it must—albeit a daunting and complex mission—its existence must first be acknowledged and labeled for what it is, the urgency of the moment must be realized, and the emergence of a unified, patriotic front of previously docile, divergent, and/or disputatious societal, cultural, and political factions and forces, which have in common their belief that America is worth defending, must immediately galvanize around and rally to the cause. We must rise to the challenge.

Calling us to take back America, Levin urges,   

To begin with, I warned years ago, in Liberty and Tyranny, that we “must become more engaged in public matters…. This will require a new generation… of activists, larger in number, shrewder, and more articulate than before…” We must seize every opportunity to take back our institutions by running for office, seeking appointed office, and populating professions—including academia, journalism, and business—with patriots who can make a difference. We must take it upon ourselves to teach our children and grandchildren about the magnificence of our country, constitution, and capitalism, and the evils of Marxism and the people and organizations that promote it. We must explain to them why it is important to support and respect our police and armed forces, who protect us from criminals and foreign enemies.

But even this, Levin warns his readers, “is not nearly enough. Indeed, the fate of our country rests in your hands and in you becoming strong and vocal activists for our nation and our liberty.” While acknowledging he does not have all the answers, Levin offers a kind of master plan including specific suggestions concerning boycotts, divestment, education, corporations, law enforcement, and more. And through it all, proactivity is the key. Regarding education, for example, before making specific suggestions, he advises,

In every school district in America, local committees of patriotic community activists must organize, as some are already doing. Among other things, they should get involved in virtually every aspect of local public education. We can no longer leave the education of our children and the well-being of our community to “the professionals.”

Regarding the influence of corporations, after quoting Ayn Rand—“The greatest guilt of modern industrialists is not the fumes of their factory smokestacks, but the pollution of this country’s intellectual life, which they have condoned, assisted and supported”—Levin recommends, among other things, that each person become “an informed patriotic consumer” and “use social media to expose, pressure, and organize protests against politically and ideologically hostile corporations.” And if you do use social media, “you should find alternatives to the corporate oligarchs.”

Regarding what he calls a “war on law enforcement,” Levin says, “The thin blue line is breaking. And the civil society is descending into chaos. Therefore, in addition to supporting police officers and police departments in any way we can, including speaking out for them, they need our support in specific ways as well.”

Levin’s voice is one of urgency but not despair as he pleads with us to wake up and act.

Even though, at times, our future seems bleak, we must not now or ever surrender to this enemy from within…. We did not ask for this confrontation, but it is here. And, in truth, like the early days of the Revolutionary War, we are losing. Unfortunately, most of the country has been caught flat-footed and remains unengaged. What must be understood is that the various Marxist-associated movements are constantly agitating, pressuring, threatening, overtaking, and even rioting to accomplish their ends, for which there is no effective or sustained counter-pressure or agitation—that is, pushback. That must change today.

At the conclusion of our 2017 World Congress of Families in Budapest, IOF president Brian Brown pleaded with all present that upon returning to their countries, each person do all within her or his circumstance and power to promote and protect the family. Since then, the assault on family and freedom here in America has crescendoed, and we applaud Mark Levin’s timely exposé as we echo his call to action.  

The time to act is now. Each of us must take time out of our daily lives to help save our country. We must be tactical and nimble in our responses to American Marxism and its multiple movements. And we must organize, rally, boycott, protest, speak, write, and more—and, where appropriate, we must use the Marxist’s strategies and tactics against him. In other words, we must become the new “community activists.” But unlike the Marxists, our cause is patriotism.

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