WHO report: fertility regulating vaccines

The pandemic, whether we like it or not, has done us a great favor: it has uncovered the reality behind the WHO. And that reality is mass sterilization.

Even before this health crisis known as the COVID-19 pandemic, some of us were monitoring the actions the World Health Organization–as well as many others related to the United Nations–has carried out in order to normalize gender ideology by means of sexual and reproductive health programs. However, perhaps we were missing the real truth behind the campaigns; of which many of them had to do with mass vaccinations.

While doing some research on certain issues, I came across a rather revealing document from the WHO: a report published in 1992 in Genoa called fertility regulating vaccines.

There are those who have blind faith in this organization, as well as in their determination to vaccinate us all at all costs. However, the purpose of this organization was, and is, to sterilize us.

If we carefully analyze the data and past and present facts, we will begin to tie up loose ends. We can thus open our eyes and realize that not everything is as it seems.

This should come as no surprise, as we already know that the WHO encourages abortion and the hypersexualization of minors through gender ideology.

Prior to this document–as far back as 1972–the WHO Special Programme for Research, Development and Training of Researchers in Human Reproduction was established. This means that the new, major objective should be the development and evaluation of new and improved methods of fertility regulation, since the traditional methods (IUDs, pills and condoms) were already lagging behind.

It is clear from the Fertility regulating vaccines report that their intention is to control female fertility through vaccines.

The WHO directs strategies at the global level, including so-called “family policies”. This phrase, just like the expression “sexual and reproductive health”, is nothing more than abortion and contraception, as well as convincing couples to have few or no children.

This WHO report first sets out the background that led scientists to investigate and make possible a vaccine that would cause infertility in women. The sexual revolution of the 1960s was the key to its momentum.

We already know that this revolution was driven by groups related to Marxism and that it created a turning point in the subject of sexual relations. Such could be the fruit of openness to liberticidal sexual relations, contraception, divorce, abortion… and now gender ideology, as well.

Throughout the report, the authors explain the clinical trial process, which went through several phases. They indicated the doubts and concerns that arose, the adverse effects, the successes achieved, as well as what was expected to be achieved. All for the sake of women’s health. For they are, as they put it, “women’s health advocates”.

But in addition, there is a highly relevant aspect that is included in this report: they admit that the previously carried out research into the control of female fertility was aimed at reducing the population.

Between the 1960s and 1970s there were cases of women who were sterilized without their knowledge and who were enrolled in contraceptive or injectable trials without being provided with an informed consent document.

In some countries, women were not informed about the possible side effects of methods such as the intrauterine device (IUD).

The result was suspicion about programs or policies that appeared to be promoting family planning.

In fact, an analysis of population and population policy texts from the 1960s and 1970s clearly shows that the demographic goal of controlling population growth was the main motivation for research and the introduction of the first “modern” contraceptives (e.g. the pill and IUDs).

The assumption was that a reduction in the population growth rate would contribute to economic development. Let me remind you that these ideas come from the theory of Thomas Malthus in 1798.

But in those years, women’s movements in both developing and developed countries began to see contraceptive research and population policies as part of a global attempt to control population by targeting women’s bodies.

That’s why they disguised these attempts as environmental policies–coupled with climate change–and began to sensitize society, particularly women, to change their family lifestyles towards smaller families. In fact that same year, in 1992, the Earth Summit took place in Rio de Janeiro, which gave rise to Agenda 21; an entire program to depopulate the world in order to preserve the Earth from the destructive action of human beings.

And not by chance, among those in this agenda who are contributing large sums of money to carry out the development of these vaccines is the Rockefeller Foundation.

Currently it seems that only a minority of the population is taking into account the reality behind the UN.

But it should not be something that surprises us at this point, as it has already been more than a year of lies and manipulations through the mainstream media bought by the globalist elites. Many studies are underway that support the WHO’s goal of reducing world population. We have an example in the report published by the Libertas Association, which links possible sterility with these COVID-19 vaccines.

This, I believe at the very least, should make us reflect and put us on alert to protect ourselves.

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