WHO plays God: World Health Organization changes its definition of sex

This time around, the WHO has overstepped its competencies too much by trying to change the objective nature of reality.

The controversial World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to change its definition of sex by saying “it is not limited to male or female.”

This change comes with the update of the organizations gender mainstreaming manual. The WHO said in a news release that its updates focus in part on “going beyond non-binary approaches to gender and health to recognize gender and sexual diversity, or the concepts that gender identity exists on a continuum and that sex is not limited to male or female.”

This type of pitiful attack on the order of nature itself by external, man-made forces on the objective nature of reality is all for naught. No organization can change the definition of sex or gender or marriage. These facts of nature are instituted by God, as such no man can undo or configure them.

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